Voice Remedy Drops - VOICE37 by Clyor Campaign

Voice Remedy Drops - VOICE37 by Clyor

It was painful and uncomfortable to sing during praise and worship at church so I wanted something to help.
This supplement is perfect for singers, speakers, teachers, anyone that puts strain on their voice.

Voice Remedy Drops is a vocal cord booster. it was formerly called Sprouts Voice Remedy. It is an all natural herbal formula to lubricate, soothe and relieve hoarseness. It is suppose to enhance singing and speaking.  Ingredients includes Slippery Elm Bark, Fennel Seed,  Horseradish Root, Thyme, Celery Seed, and Horehound Herb.

Due to some of the medications I take, it causes severe dry month. I've noticed that when I'm singing in church that have to stop regularly to drink water. My throat would get sore, hurt, feel grainy and itchy. Since I have started using the Voice Remedy Drops it is becoming easier to sing through praise and worship with out drinking water. The taste is something to acquire. I am used to drinking all different types and herbal teas so the flavor is not so bad to me.

More detailed infromation and purchasing can be done from their website.

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